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About Us


Digital Republic Consulting is an analytics and insights focused business.  Although the business has only been trading for three years, it was previously part of a larger insights group of companies founded by the current CEO of Digital Republic, Petar Soldo.

The Digital Republic management team as well as its CEO have a collective 75 years experience in the insights industry, covering management consulting, market research and social intelligence. The team has also worked on hundreds of different client engagements over the past decade.

The current Digital Republic team consists of 14 highly skilled individuals who boast an in-depth understanding of market research and social intelligence, making them multi-skilled and adaptable. 

Our client base (current and historic) consists of a mix of blue chip clients, fast growing SMEs and public sector enterprises, including BMW, Hollard, MINI, Grolsch, Peroni, Cambridge Food, Spas of Distinction, Zamani Holdings and Alexander Forbes to name a few. 


Digital Republic is focused on three fundamentals:

Having the best people in the business.

Having the best people in the business.

Living the motto of customer centricity.

Living the motto of customer centricity.

Delivering actionable insights.

Delivering actionable insights.

Leadership Team

Petar Soldo


28 years of experience

Sibongile Dyantyi

Head: Client Services

6 years of experience

Rebecca Karlovic 


7 years of experience

Simbarashe Maraidza 

Head: Analytics

8 years of experience

Vinko Soldo


24 years of experience

Liziwe Ndlumbini 

Head: Social Media

5 years of experience