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Market Research


Digital Republic Consulting through their CEO, Petar Soldo, have more than a decade’s worth of market research experience and in the past 18 months, Petar has sold and managed over 50 research projects valued at ±R30m

Digital Republic Consulting is also a registered organizational member of SAMRA (Southern African Market Research Association).


Digital Republic covers all aspects of market research in terms of project types and market

Focus groupsIn-depth interviewsMystery shoppingStore intercepts

Focus groups

In-depth interviews

Mystery shopping

Store intercepts

Web surveys / onlineTelephonic (CATI)Personal interviewsSMS / Mobile

Web surveys / online

Telephonic (CATI)

Personal interviews

SMS / Mobile

Branding / advertisingSocial / digital mediaTracking studiesEmployee surveysCustomer satisfactionSegmentation & CVPs

Branding / advertising

Social / digital media

Tracking studies

Employee surveys

Customer satisfaction

Segmentation & CVPs

South Africa and InternationalBusiness to consumer (B2C)Business to business (B2B)

South Africa and International

Business to consumer (B2C)

Business to business (B2B)

Some of the recent research projects include:

Communications preferences survey for a leading medical aid. The research, apart from being crucial to the client, also formed the basis of the communications plan to be executed by their PR agency.

Communications preferences survey for a leading medical aid. The research, apart from being crucial to the client, also formed the basis of the communications plan to be executed by their PR agency.

Deep customer profiling for a niche mobile operator. Crucial to this research was to understand customer perceptions of the brand and to also identify opportunities for product expansion.

Deep customer profiling for a niche mobile operator. Crucial to this research was to understand customer perceptions of the brand and to also identify opportunities for product expansion.

Market segmentation in Kenya and Nigeria for a leading insurance provider. Step one was to segment the market. This was followed by developing customer value propositions for crucial segments.

Market segmentation in Kenya and Nigeria for a leading insurance provider. Step one was to segment the market. This was followed by developing customer value propositions for crucial segments.

Brand awareness and public perceptions for a major public sector corporation. This was conducted at a time when there was a significant amount of negative news in the paper concerning the organization.

Brand awareness and public perceptions for a major public sector corporation. This was conducted at a time when there was a significant amount of negative news in the paper concerning the organization.

General public perceptions of the e-Tolls in Johannesburg.

General public perceptions of the e-Tolls in Johannesburg.

Public testing of the perceptions of gyms and a new fitness programme to be introduced as well as how best to communicate the new offering, including key catch-phrases.

Public testing of the perceptions of gyms and a new fitness programme to be introduced as well as how best to communicate the new offering, including key catch-phrases.