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Social Media Audits

Social Media Audit

At the end of the day, it’s important to carry out regular social media audits. This is an invaluable to ensure a brand’s investment in social media is generating the right returns. Like any marketing activity, brands have to assess how social media is performing against other opportunities.
— Industry expert

According to an article in the Harvard Business Review, consumers tend to trust social media messages more than advertising or news articles about the brand, hence, it is the responsibility of the brand to know which messages are having their intended effect. We call this Social Intelligence.

What is a Social Media audit?

An examination of social data in order to assist marketers in knowing what consumers are saying about a brand and their competitors. An end-of-year audit helps you understand where you are excelling and where you can improve, giving your brand a competitive edge and providing valuable insight into customer desires.

What does my company gain from a Social Media audit?

You will gain key performance indicators that not only display your social media performance but provide real-life insights that can be adopted in your business marketing strategy. Solid strategies get the right message to the right customer at the right time. Our audits can provide valuable feedback from our team of experts which often means the difference between getting the lead and losing it.

How can Digital Republic help?

We can provide a social media audit that both analyses your personal data, using a highly intelligent system called Falcon, and provide key social media insights that are customised to your business objectives.

What is included in a Digital Republic Social Media audit?

  • Full report

  • Review of all Social Media profiles

  • Social media performance analysis covering top-performing posts, engagement, and ROI

  • Recommended changes

  • Website review

  • SEO report

  • Content creation strategy

  • Ad management guidelines

  • Optional: competitor benchmarking

Starting at R4,999. Contact us today!